Men’s Breakfast

March 5th | 8:30AM | Breakfast and Guest Speaker Jeremy Bruce from Operation BBQ Relief

If asked about something our Men’s Ministry was great at doing-barbecuing would absolutely make that list! We are inviting all the men of our faith community to join us Saturday, March 5th for a special time of community and a challenge to GO! We will be hosting Jeremy Bruce from Operation BBQ Relief. Come hear his story of God’s movement in his life while also having the opportunity to join this mission to GO in times of disaster. Grab your neighbor and come eat with us and be challenged!


Jeremy Bruce | Sr. Head of Technology | Operation BBQ Relief

Jeremy served on the leadership team of Pastor Mark’s last church. Jeremy walked away from a successful life to give his life to this ministry of crisis food in time of peril. He was a professional pit BBQ-guy part of a team that traveled and won national competitions. Then a massive F5 tornado struck and leveled his hometown in Oklahoma. Come and hear the rest of the story! 




Mar 05 2022