Sometimes we just need to hear a hopeful word! I turn to Scripture when the world winds me a little too tight. I often meet the very words of encouragement that I seek at just the right time in just the right way. I hope that is your experience too! The “I AM” seems to always know right where I am.
The Gospel of John is one of those places I often travel when life gets the better of me. In John Chapters 8-14, we encounter some of those soul resonating words of Jesus that melt away the troubles of this world like a hot knife going through butter.
I don’t claim these to be Jesus’ greatest hits, what I claim is these are a sampling of the words that mysteriously and wonderfully soothe my soul. Imagine Jesus standing directly in front of you saying these words while looking directly at you with eyes that know everything about your life right now:
May these words encourage you, strengthen you, and sustain you. They have that impact on me. They have that impact on me when I remember who spoke these words. It was God.
God’s Peace,