Christmas Eve Services

5PM Contemporary & Traditional, 7PM Traditional, 9PM Traditional | 6:15PM Online

This is going to be The Best Christmas EVE Ever! We hope you will make plans to worship with us at one of our 5 services. It is going to be a night full of beauty and light as we look back on the Best Christmas Ever while looking forward to the one to come.

There will be candlelight and communion at each On-Campus service.

Childcare for Babies – PreK is available during the 5PM and 7PM services.

Offering | Following the devastating string of storms and tornadoes across six states in the southeast and midwest, we are redesignating 100% of our Christmas Eve offering to support the work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in impacted areas. UMCOR is currently facilitating search and rescue efforts alongside other agencies and is releasing immediate funding to provide emergency shelter, and medical assistance. If you are traveling over the holidays, please give online and mark your gift “Disaster Relief.” Light came to the world’s darkness at the first Christmas. Let’s join together to shine His light for Christmas 2021.

Sunday, December 19th, for enhanced worship experiences on campus at 9:30 am and 11:00 am and online at 10:15 as our music ministry teams share the joyful sounds they have prepared for us. We will also continue our sermon journey through Luke’s Christmas story on that day.

Sunday, December 26th, we will offer only two worship services (one in the building in the Traditional Worship Center and one Online.) Both services will be at 10:15 am.


Dec 24 2021


5:00 pm