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Are YOU The One?
It’s kind of a rhetorical question. There’s ambiguity in those words. We wonder, is it good to be “t...
What Is So Amazing About Grace?
In a world that seems to work under the “At best, you only get what you earn, and sometimes you don’...
You Can't Bury This
September has a special meaning for Americans ever since 2001. While we look forward to the beginnin...
Where is Your Rudder Leading You?
Our words can drive people apart-which is the work of the enemy or our words can bring people togeth...
Living in Between
We are all living in between. We live in between the times of God initiating restoration and restora...
Everybody Week 4: Paul
We all want a place to belong. A place where everybody knows our name. But did you know that you don...
Everybody Week 3: Martha
Do life with a group of people who are wrestling with the same stuff you are wrestling with...
Everybody Week 2: Zacchaeus
We all have a name, but sometimes there's a disconnect between the meaning of our name and the reali...
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