3 Ways to Listen to God’s Voice
I remember when there wasn’t a 24/7 news cycle. I’m that many years old. If you wanted to know what was going on, you would have to wait until 6:00 pm; or wait until the evening paper was delivered; or hope your neighbor was more informed than you were.
Now we have more news than we could ask for. I love the quote, “We are drowning in information but starving for wisdom.” There’s a LOT of noise. News. TV. Streaming services. Social Media. Email. Text messages. Now the news isn’t just 24/7. Everything is. And with all that noise, sometimes it’s hard to hear God.
In Pastor Matt’s message on Sunday, he highlighted the scripture that says, “If you obey my voice and keep my commandments, you will be my treasured people.” (Exodus 19:5) But how do we hear God’s voice above the noise? How do we hear God’s guidance for our lives so that we can obey Him and become His treasured people?
While this isn’t an exhaustive list, here are three ways that you can listen to God’s voice. Truly listen above all the noise. So, whether you’re just starting on your spiritual journey or you’ve been walking it for years, I hope this provides some valuable insight!
1) The first way to listen to God’s voice is through prayer.
When you pray, you are essentially having a conversation with God. You can tell Him your concerns, your joys, and anything else that is on your mind. Prayer is a great way to get in touch with God and hear his voice. If you don’t already have a prayer routine, turn off all of your devices and set a timer for three minutes, and spend that time loving God. That’s it. Nothing more. You’ll be amazed at how you transform after just a few days of that practice.
2) Another way to listen to God’s voice is through the Bible.
The Bible is full of wisdom and guidance from God. As you read it, allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through the words on the page. You may find that certain verses jump out at you or that a particular passage speaks to a situation you’re currently facing in your life. If you don’t know where to start, try reading one of the Psalms.
3) Finally, you can also listen to God’s voice through God’s creation.
Spend time outside in nature and take in the beauty around you. As you do, allow God to speak to your heart. Listen for the still, small voice of God speaking to you through the beauty of his creation.
The Holy Spirit lives in you. God is always closer than we think. All we need to do is take the time to connect and by doing so, discover that we are God’s treasure.
No matter which method you choose, remember that it’s important to be open to hearing God’s voice. Pray for guidance and listen with your heart. If you do, you will be sure to hear the guidance you need from God in God’s time!