50 IN 4

We believe God wants us to connect our neighbors with the hope of the Gospel.

That sense of identity (some call it mission) demands that we take action; our neighbors won’t experience God’s hope for their lives if we sit back and wait for them to show up. It’s past time for us to re-engage our community by loving our actual neighbors.  We have too often taken Jesus’s command to ‘love your neighbor’ to mean something about how we travel to other places and mention the name of Jesus at an opportune time.  However there are people right here in Peachtree City who are lost and alone, forgotten and isolated, hurting and in-need.  We believe God made us to reach out to them, and placed both our church and the individuals that make it up in the perfect position to share the Hope of the Gospel with our actual neighbors.  We’re going to launch 50 neighborhood groups in the next four years, but the purpose of these groups is not to grow the church.  The purpose of each of these groups is to simply explore unique ways to embody the hands and feet of Jesus for those who live near us.  We have much yet to learn, but we are convicted by God’s call and committed to pursue His direction for our church and our lives.
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Sometimes, things just need to stand out a bit differently.

This text has a max width set to 900px. On wider displays, it can be nice to keep it a bit tighter. Typically, the top and bottom padding is a bit larger as well to give more oomph to the background image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pellentesque libero erat, at vestibulum enim lobortis ut. Fusce in porttitor libero. Vivamus at lorem non augue placerat semper. Phasellus lorem justo, dapibus hendrerit tortor et, dictum bibendum enim. Donec tempor dignissim gravida. Nullam nec lacinia elit.

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Single Column Section

Subtly different 🙂

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On large displays, it's 2-columns but on smaller displays, it's a single column.
Mind. Blown.

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Service Times

Traditional Services @ 9:30AM
Online Worship Service @ 11AM
Contemporary Service @ 11AM