Scripture is one of our most important resources as followers of Jesus. The Word helps us know who God is, who we are and how we’re called to live in this world. That’s why PTCUMC presents Bibles to our 3rd graders every Fall. It’s a visual sign of our investment in the next generation, and a recognition that these young people have reached the time in life when they can begin studying and learning scripture on their own.
There are critical points at every phase of life for a kid and we especially love embracing this phase:
At this phase, 3rd graders have begun to experience enough in life to be genuinely curious and interested in God, in Jesus and in the Bible. They are developing the ability to make intentional choices to spend time reading their Bible and what they commit to heart in Scripture can take root and stay with them as they grow.
At this phase, tons of things “sound like fun.” So, what better time to put a Bible in their hands and show them the incredible things that it holds for them. They can learn from what they read and see the excitement and wonder in it.
At this phase, as family and faith family let’s count the time we have with these students as 3rd graders so that we can come alongside them and make the time count. Let’s join them in recapturing the curiosity and the wonder as we dive into the Word of God.
We are so proud of these kids at this milestone and pray they can open their hearts to what the Bible will teach them so they can discover and live out their part in God’s big love story. We look forward to all God will do in and through this group of 3rd graders in the months and years ahead. We are grateful their families have given us the opportunity to be a part of this faith journey.