Those who know me, know how much I love God’s words shared through the prophet Isaiah. In Isaiah 52:7, we encounter these words, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’”
It seems like every news update right now is “anything but” good news. We are all watching the spread of Covid-19. We are all walking this line between being a pragmatist and being an alarmist. We don’t want to create anxiety but we do want to make good decisions that help people navigate the presence of a new illness in our country.
What I know is that we will get through this together. We are currently standing by the plan we sent out on Saturday, March 7. We have copies of that email sent to our entire faith family at the front desk. Feel free to take one of those letters to a loved one or a friend who may not be active on email. Help us care for people.
Our staff is constantly re-evaluating our approach and our recommendations based on the latest information from the Georgia Governor’s office, State Health Department officials, and the CDC. We will keep everyone informed on any changes we make here at PTC UMC.
As a point of emphasis in this letter, please help us take care of each other. Check in on your neighbors. Make certain everyone has everything they need. We will go through this together and we will emerge on the other side of this together.
I drove past people mowing grass today. The aroma was wonderful! There is something about the smell of fresh-cut grass that gives me hope that spring is actually “springing.” Easter is coming! Keep your voices ready for that great shout of joy! Good news is coming!
God’s Peace,