With the conclusion of the Academy Awards, we’ve come to the end of another film award season. I rarely watch these shows, but I do catch occasional glimpses of them. It’s common for the award winners to thank the community of creative artists around them. After all, making movies is a team effort.
Ministry is also a team effort. In the New Testament, Paul often expressed gratitude for his teammates. He was thankful for their faith in Jesus. He was thankful for their love for each other. He was thankful for the commitment, especially during their struggles. He was thankful for their spiritual gifts, their partnership, and their track record of ministry.
So, in the spirit of Paul, I want to offer thanks to the missions community at PTCUMC. In the calendar year 2019, because of what Jesus is doing in you, and because of your faithful willingness to serve:
We supplied Fayette Samaritans and Real Life Center with food, clothing, and financial resources to aid families living around us.
We sent volunteers of all ages to serve at Midwest Food Bank, equipping agencies all across the Southeastern US to provide nourishment to the hungry.
We purchased and delivered meals in partnership with Fayette Senior Services, reminding some of the loneliest members of our community that they are loved by God and by God’s people.
We built homes for families in Griffin in partnership with Square Foot Ministry.
We sent dozens of volunteers, hundreds of meals, and abundant supplies to Central Night Shelter. Many of the homeless men of Atlanta had a warm place to sleep and food to eat for the five coldest months of the year.
We sent monthly teams to Trinity Community Ministries, offering meals and encouragement to men rebuilding their lives to overcome addiction.
We sent teams and supplies to Red Bird Mission in Kentucky, one of the poorest communities in our nation. There, we served as the hands, feet, and heart of Christ as we not only helped to repair homes but also to encourage those who daily face tremendous need.
We sent teams and supplies to Guatemala, Ukraine, and Liberia to be in ministry with at-risk children and those who care for them daily.
We sponsored missionaries in the field who serve in extremely challenging circumstances, most notably Joey, Kerry, and Miriam Davidson, members of the PTCUMC family.
For all who go, for all who pack and prepare, for all who give, for all who pray, may I borrow Paul’s words to the church at Philippi:
“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.”
Philippians 1:3