I love November. The full realization of fall cool weather is always refreshing. I often pick up an extra step in my walk as the beauty of the leaves and the crisp fall air begins to awaken something in my spirit that seemed to doze off across those hot summer days.
But I must admit this November is different than any other November. This November is “expansion” month for PTCUMC. We are gracefully and cautiously increasing our ministries in November as we carefully navigate the realities of COVID together.
On November 1, we will add contemporary worship back into our Sunday morning rhythm – retaining the 9:30 AM Traditional service in the Traditional Worship Center while adding the 11:00 AM Contemporary service in the Contemporary Worship Center. We are also adding back a Kids Ministry component by providing a limited nursery (reservations required through the Save My Seat process.)
We are also engaging our Middle School and High School students with our “One Day Outdoor Fall Retreat” on campus through the afternoon and evening on November 1.
We are grateful that so very many in our church are participating in our efforts to provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day during the entire first week of November to the Central Night Shelter in downtown Atlanta. I am truly grateful for the church angels organizing that massive ministry.
I do love November. I come to it with an “attitude of gratitude” which is our sermon series this month. Come be grateful with us! This coming Sunday we will be grateful for the Saints as we gather around the Lord’s Table to receive Holy Communion using the individually wrapped packages of bread and juice. Come and be grateful for the inviting Table of Christ, for all the saints, and for each other.
As always, wear a mask and maintain household social distance at all times on campus as we gracefully launch into this expanded season of ministry together with our shared “attitude of gratitude.”
God’s Unbounded Joy,