Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts; so I am helped, and my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.
The psalmist is glorifying God. The reason I chose to lift up this specific verse is because it reminds me that we all carry a song of thanksgiving within our hearts in response to God’s movement through our lives. Worship always reminds us of that truth – no matter what season of life we may be in on a given week.
Music that glorifies God has always helped me come into God’s Presence. Because my own musicality is quite limited, I am so very grateful for the God given ministry of those who help us lift up our songs of thanksgiving – the music of our souls – to God in worship.
For 8 years, Mike Strain has helped us do exactly that in our traditional worship services through his many musical gifts and graces. If you were in either worship this Sunday, you already know that we shared Mike Strain’s retirement announcement. Mike’s well deserved retirement officially begins October 1.
I always struggle with retirements involving people who are so instrumental (sorry for the pun) in my experience of the Holy. I know it’s not about me; but honestly, I can’t help but carry both a celebration for the retiree AND a sense of unwanted change in my life. We will all be forever grateful to Mike for leading worship at Peachtree City UMC for these past 8 years. But this is bigger than just what Mike has done in “our” midst.
All told, Mike has served God roughly 49 years leading music ministry in the life of the church. He has done so faithfully and wonderfully. But now he and Cathy are preparing to enter into a new season of life. Join with me in wishing the Strain family all the best as they transition from one rhythm of life (ok, another bad pun) to another.
Please mark your calendars to worship God with us on September 26th AND help us acknowledge, affirm, and celebrate Mike & Cathy during a reception between the two services on that Sunday.
God’s Love,