for it is written,
1st Peter 1:16
“You shall be holy, for I am holy”
I miss you. I miss every one of you. I spend a significant amount of time remembering your faces, your lives, your struggles, and your joys. I really do miss being with each of you.
We are going to do “something different” this coming Sunday. August 2nd is a Holy Communion celebration Sunday for us. We will offer that as part of the online worship service once again. If you wish to participate while at home (and I know there are many who cannot get out right now,) be ready again with your bread and your juice in your home. We will ask God to create the Holy Mystery of Holy Communion beyond immediate physical gathering.
But we are also going to add another opportunity to receive Holy Communion on August 2nd. We will be outside under the pavilion in front of the Traditional Worship Center’s main entrance from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM with individually wrapped elements (along with a gluten-free option.) We invite you to drive through the pavilion and receive the consecrated elements and a blessing in a moment of “in-person” Holy Communion.
You will stay in your car. We will provide everything you need and we will handle everything in a way to minimize the risk of COVID transmission. Come gather with God (with me and Pastor Shannon) in breaking the bread and sharing the cup of God’s Grace together in person.
Please do me one favor and don’t refer to it as “drive-by Holy Communion.” My prayer is that it will be MUCH, MUCH MORE than that for all who participate.
I miss you. I look forward to saying hello in person!