Multi-Generational | Sun @ 10:45AM | On-Campus | Room 300 | Weekly Table Talk is a Sunday morning group lead by Wayne Sanders that is open to all. This multi-generational group is dedicated to studying Scipture and its application in our lives through the reading and discussion of selected books of the Bible.


65+ | Sun @ 10:45AM | Choir Room (1st Floor) | Weekly Composed of adult seekers, grandparents, and empty nesters that are dedicated to the study of God’s word through in-depth reading and discussion of particular book of the Bible.


65+ | Sun @ 10:45AM | On-Campus | Room 304 | Weekly Pathfinders is a Sunday morning group lead by Dan McCarthy. This group is a Bible-based discussion group that studies contemporary topics from an empty-nester and grandparent’s perspective.


Early Snyder | 65+ CoEd | Sun @ 8:30AM | On-Campus | Weekly The Wesley Group, for those 65+, meets weekly on Sunday mornings at 8:30AM on-campus. Come and grow in your understanding of the Christian faith and learn how to walk closer to Christ and His way each day. We think about our beliefs through scripture, the teachings of …


Carmen | Women’s Group | 60+ | Wed @ 9:30AM | On-Campus | Weekly  The Carmen Women’s Group (for those 60+) meets every Wednesday at 9:30AM on the church campus. Join this women’s group as they grow in their relationship with Jesus and one another.