VOGLER | MULTI-GENERATIONAL | WED @ 6PM | ROOM 302 | BEGINS 2.15.23 Join Group Host: Brenda Vogler for a group that will be studying Beth Moore’s, Now That Faith Has Come: A Study of Galatians. This study is open to all; however, Beth Moore generally appeals to women. Please purchase the book prior to the first meeting (link below.) …
Hope Circle
The Hope Circle is a group of ladies (50s-80s) who gather together on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in various homes for fellowship and to serve in our community. This circle does not meet in June, July, or August. Leader: Mary Forestal Please contact Allison Kickham, Director of Adult Groups, for more information.
Naomi-Ruth Circle
Naomi-Ruth Circle is a group of senior ladies who gather together once a month for fellowship. We share a devotion, have various programs, and participate in mission projects as we can. Most of all, we value our faith in God and our friendship with each other. Great companionship and caring. New ladies are always welcome. The Naomi-Ruth Circle generally meets …
The Noah Group | Women’s Group | Every other Tuesday | 5PM | Off-Campus: Local Restaurants This is a multi-generational women’s group led. Many of the women of this group are mothers, mostly with high school-aged children and older, but all moms are welcomed. This group is for single or married women. This group likes to call themselves the “Happy Hour” group, …
Stephens | Multi-Generational | Wed @ 6:30PM | Room 308| Bi-Weekly | Begins Sept. 14 The Stephens’ Multi-Generational Group meets every other week on-campus. Join this multi-generational group of people as they grow in their relationship with Jesus and one another.
Multi-Generational | Sun @ 10:45AM | On-Campus | Room 300 | Weekly Table Talk is a Sunday morning group lead by Wayne Sanders that is open to all. This multi-generational group is dedicated to studying Scipture and its application in our lives through the reading and discussion of selected books of the Bible.
65+ | Sun @ 10:45AM | Choir Room (1st Floor) | Weekly Composed of adult seekers, grandparents, and empty nesters that are dedicated to the study of God’s word through in-depth reading and discussion of particular book of the Bible.
65+ | Sun @ 10:45AM | On-Campus | Room 304 | Weekly Pathfinders is a Sunday morning group lead by Dan McCarthy. This group is a Bible-based discussion group that studies contemporary topics from an empty-nester and grandparent’s perspective.
Journey Class | Sun @ 9:30AM | On-Campus | Room 304 | Weekly Committed to strengthening our knowledge of the Bible and our faith journey as it translates into today’s world. We welcome a multi-generational approach, so if you’re in high school, out of high school, or can hardly remember high school, welcome! Have kids? Your kids can have an …
In the Middle
In the Middle| 40s-50s | On-Campus | 9:30AM on Sundays | Room 300 | Bi-Weekly | Begins September 18th This group, lead by Chris and Sharon Tiller, is primarily made up of adults in their 40s-50s who are looking for fellowship, community and spiritual growth. They will study a variety of relevant topics for Christian living that apply whatever the …