Hello, parents of high school seniors!
We love you and want you to know that your families have been specifically in our thoughts and prayers. This season has not turned out the way any of us expected it to but we want to find creative ways to celebrate your High School Senior in spite of the current situation. We have a few things up our sleeves and that means that we need your help – please and thank you!
- Send us your favorite senior photo of your high school graduate.
- Send us a 30-second video clip of you sharing a message of hope, encouragement, and pride with your graduate.
- This can be filmed on your phone or tablet.
- Be sure to include your graduate’s name in the video.)
- Give us permission to display your graduate’s photo and your video.
- We would like to keep the exact format as a surprise, but if you would like more information before giving your consent, contact Kelly Osterman or Heather Allen.
- This consent can be given by a simple email reply to Kelly with your consent and full name in the signature.
- Each year we are honored to give away the Janis Lynn Shafer Memorial Scholarship to a graduating senior. The information is available to download here.
Due Date: May 11th is the deadline to receive photos, videos, and JLSM scholarship applications. Please help us spread the word to other families in our church with graduating High School Seniors.
We usually offer a Senior Luncheon during the month of May to celebrate with you. This event is not canceled but is being postponed until a later date. As we find out more information about social distancing, reopening of businesses, and group sizes, we will let you know upcoming plans ASAP!
We look forward to hearing from you with your graduate’s info!

Kelly Osterman
Grow Administration
770.487.6499 x238

Heather Allen
Student Ministry Director
770.487.6499 x254