One of our fall cycle PTCUMC initiatives is an emphasis on small groups. You will be hearing much, much more about that during a four week sermon series beginning July 18. Small groups are the Jesus “Disciple formation” model.

My wife Shannon and I are forming a small group around Disciple 1 Bible Study. We will be the co-facilitators of the group. We bring an invitation to you.

Our small group will last for 34 weeks. We will meet at the church on Sunday afternoons beginning August 15 at 3:30 pm. Each meeting will last around 2 hours. Our conversation will focus on an overview of the entire Bible. We will spend 17 weeks in the Old Testament through the fall cycle (with some Holiday breaks along the way) followed by a lengthy break across the Christmas Holiday season. We then start back up on January 9th to begin the 17 weeks of the spring cycle in the New Testament.

The Disciple 1 series is entitled, “Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study.” We will travel through Scripture together through this DVD driven study, grow a confidential prayer life together, and become brothers & sisters in Christ together in a deeper way than perhaps you’ve ever experienced in your life.

We are INTENTIONALLY structuring this study for people with no (or very limited) Bible study experience. If you’ve always wanted to dig into the Bible from entry level forward in a setting that is safe, inviting, and loving – THIS IS IT!

Our class size will be fixed at 14 so it is truly a small group. Preference will be given to those who have the least experience in Bible study. Contact me directly by email if you wish to apply to be part of this small group. I will answer whatever questions you may have. My email is