Confirmation Orientation

Jan. 11th | RM 145 | 7th Grade Students & Parents | Wednesdays 6:30Pm-8PM | Retreat Jan. 27-28 | Cost $100

Confirmation Orientation is a time for parents & students to come and gather information, ask questions and complete any missing registration requirements needed before Confirmation classes begin.

Confirmation Classes begin on January 18th. Students AND Parents will meet each Wednesday, from 6:30PM-8PM. The cost is $100 per student. This cost covers the students’ journals, film and interview time, as well as the full cost of the Confirmation Retreat. The retreat is January 27-28 and it is required that every student participating in Confirmation also participate in the retreat.

**Parents, please set aside time to spend part of Friday evening before the retreat with your student for a special service at the church.




Jan 12 2022


6:30 pm

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