Early Response Training

Early Response Team volunteers can now receive an UMCOR badge that will identify them as individuals who have received appropriate training and approvals to assist communities in the early days after a major disaster.

This process is part of a national effort to certify early response volunteers across multiple agencies.  This was born out of “lessons learned” from 9/11 and the need for volunteers to hold specific credentials to enter the disaster site.

This process will enable all Early Response Team volunteers who attend (and pass) the appropriate UMCOR training courses as well as submit a background check to receive national certification to assist following a US disaster.

Qualifications for an UMCOR ERT Badge:

Complete the basic class, led by an authorized trainer

Pass the local annual conference’s background check (usually related to “Safe Sanctuaries”)

Score 70% or higher on the ERT basic class quiz (found in the manual)

The event is ongoing.


Feb 13 2025


8:00 am - 4:00 pm



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