Easter Worship Services | 9:30 and 11 Traditional (Indoors) | 9:30 and 11 Contemporary (Outdoors) | 10:15 Online
Come be reNEWed this Easter! We will be offering 5 worship services to ensure we can socially distance and accommodate as many people as possible. There will be 2 traditional services indoors at 9:30 and 11 without singing with limited seating capacity. There will also be 2 contemporary services at 9:30 and 11 outdoors with singing in the South Lawn (near the Foundry). There is no limit on attendees for the contemporary services. We will also have our online service at 10:15AM (with no limit and sing as loud as you want!) via Facebook Live as well as our website.
We will offer childcare for Babies through pre-K during the services.
INCLEMENT WEATHER PLAN | All services will be indoors and require reservations in the case of incoming inclement weather for Easter Sunday. Reservations will open up the Monday before Easter services if it appears like rain will be in the forecast for that Sunday morning. Make sure you are on our text service, ENEWS and watching our Social Media for the most up to date information.
Text Service: Join our text service by texting PTCUMC to 770-575-5586
ENEWS: Click Here to sign up for our weekly newsletter!
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