Bashor Homeless Mens Shelter | March

March  25-31| ALL AGES | REGISTER NOW !

It’s time once again for us to support the Bashor Homeless Mens Shelter in their opening for the 2022-2023 season! Our mission friends in the city need our support, and there are MANY ways to get involved:
* Pray for the homeless
* Create and assemble Agape gift items
* Donate men’s underwear (all sizes), socks, & gloves
* Prepare daily dinner meals for 60 at the church
* Distribute meals at the shelter
* Serve overnight at the shelter

A couple of special notes:

  • On-Campus: Those elementary aged and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Off-Campus: All minors (under 18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
  • Vaccines WILL NOT be required of volunteers, but masks will be required. Masks, gloves and hand sanitizer will be available for everyone.
    • Masks and vaccines are currently required of all of the guests being housed and fed at the shelter.


Mar 25 - 31 2023


All Day

More Info

Register Here


Jim Cameron

Other Organizers

Karen Stephens