Small Group Launch Party
Small groups are a casual gathering of 8-12 people meeting in homes, restaurants, coffee shops in our area or at the church. Groups typically last 8-12 weeks to allow for easy start and finish points. Groups are the BEST environment to grow spiritually as we engage in conversations about the practical elements of our faith.
Our goal in small groups is to help you take your next spiritual step. No matter where you might be on your faith journey, God is still inviting you to more. He has a better life waiting for you, and you engage more of that life with each step you take toward Him. In Psalm 119:105, God’s Word is described as a “lamp to our feet.” A lamp never lights the entire road, it only provides enough light for us to see what is directly in front of us. With each step we take, God shows us what He has next for us. With each step we take, we go deeper into the life God has for us. We want to take this small group experience and focus it completely on inviting you to take a clear, definitive next step. We pray with that this experience will mark, both your life and also the life of our church.
In order to get you in a group that best meets your needs, please join us on Tuesday, September 17 at 7:00 pm to experience what life in a small group is like and to find the best group for you. Childcare provided with advanced signup. Contact Pastor Shannon (shannon.karafanda@ptcumc.org) if you have any questions.