It’s hard to follow someone on the golf cart paths. There are no signs and no turn signals. In order to go where they are going, you’ve got to be close and keep them in your line of sight. It’s not much easier following someone in a car but there are turn signals and the occasional stop light to slow the leader down so the follower can catch up. The best way to follow someone is to walk with them. Not behind them where you can’t see what’s in front of them or where you could bump into them but beside them where you can see where the two of you are going so that you might be able to find you way in the future.
Following Jesus isn’t easy. The patterns of this world don’t match the way that Jesus leads us. But the closer we get to Jesus the easier it is to walk with him. It may be more comfortable to follow from a distance but then we deprive ourselves of the love that Jesus pours into us as we walk side by side hearing him guide us to our destination.
Listen to the love that God has for you and let those thoughts be a powerful guide to renewing your mind and guiding your actions each day.
“Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature.”
Romans 12:2 CEB