How Does The Generosity Card Work?
Since this is the first year that we have used Estimate of Giving (EOG) Cards, we wanted to provide a summary of how they work. We know this is new to everyone.
The first step is a conversation with God (prayer) and a conversation with your household (planning.) Make certain this is where you spend the most time.
When you are ready, you fill out one EOG card for your household at home. The larger middle section is where you record all those that are part of your household – family name on top, individual family members on the lines below. On the back of that large middle section is the informational chart that allows you to determine your current giving percentage. Use that chart to help form your intentional giving plan. The directions for use are on the chart.
Once you have listed the names of your household on the middle section, tear off the two smaller end pieces along the perforated lines. These two end pieces are the same. Once you have prayerfully discerned the total financial contribution your family “estimates” it will give to God’s movement through PTC UMC in calendar year 2020, simply divide that number by 12. This number represents your estimated monthly giving to our church. Let that number include all your giving to PTC UMC. Please put this giving in the monthly giving format even if you plan to give once per year, quarterly, every Sunday or some combination of all of the above. Please continue to give in the manner that works best for you – but report that giving on this card as a monthly average number for the year.
Write that number in the monthly giving line of both small cards. It is important to note that this number is intentionally being presented as an “estimate of giving” -not a pledge. This number is between you and God only. God will know if your circumstances change requiring you to give less (or allowing you to give more) than what you place on your household’s 2020 estimate of giving card today. The EOG card is meant to be empowering and freeing – not confining.
Please remember to check the four yes/no questions on the back of the small card you will turn in. You keep one of the small cards at home. Place it where you do your family finances. Keep it where you see it routinely. That card represents your household’s firstfruits that you give to God. Celebrate it!
In both worship services on Sunday, October 27, you will be given an opportunity to bring your two-card pieces forward (the large household card and one small card.) There will be multiple stations set up in the Sanctuaries in a pattern very similar to Holy Communion. The invitation after the sermon will be to bring forward your cards to a locked, “two treasure chest” station – placing the big card in one treasure chest and the small card in the second treasure chest. It does not matter which card goes in which chest. The point is they get all mixed up.
If it is difficult for you to come forward at that time, feel free to give your cards to a trusted friend to take forward confidentially. Some people like to mail their cards confidentially to the church (mark them “attention Dee Tyner” – she will confidentially place them in the chests for you.) If you wish to participate and are physically away from church, let us know, we will gladly send you blank EOG cards to mail back to the church. EOG cards will again be handed out as people enter worship if you forget your card next Sunday.
After our group response on Generosity Sunday, October 27, we will leave locked treasure chest stations out in the entrances to the church with blank EOG cards for three weeks. You may place your completed EOG cards in the treasure chest at any time (large card in one chest, small card in the second chest – again, it does not matter which card goes in which chest.)
We will share the results of our first Generosity Journey on Christ the King Sunday, November 24th, in both worship services where we will give thanks for Christ and Christ’s movement through our transformed hearts. On that day, a member of our Generosity Team will present the results of this year’s generosity Journey to the entire church as part of our worship and praise. Come celebrate with us!