Because of your generosity, significant investments of financial resources and volunteer energy will be given in Kingdom work through these outreach ministries. Thanks be to God for His gracious provision expressed through the Body of Christ!
Bishop Judith Craig Children’s Village (Liberia) - Providing much needed food, housing, education, counseling, healthcare, and daily necessities for orphaned children of this region.
Central Night Shelter (Atlanta) - Serving the needs of 90-100 homeless men during winter in Atlanta with food, shelter, showers, medical care, recreational activities, and encouragement.
Centro Cristiano Cultural De Guatemala - Giving care to 2,000 children through spiritual formation, education, nutrition support, medical care, dental care, and sanitation.
Fayette Samaritans - Serving immediate needs for food, clothing, and shelter without sustaining permanent dependence.
Midwest Food Bank (Peachtree City) - Sharing the love of Christ by alleviating hunger and providing disaster relief.
Our Father’s Care - The Ark (Ukraine) - Providing a healthy, happy and safe environment for some of Ukraine’s most at-risk children, a social rehabilitation and family restoration center.
Real Life Center (Peachtree City) - Providing a safe environment, sharing the love of Christ, and promoting long-term change by caring for each person physically, emotionally, relationally, financially, mentally and spiritually.
Red Bird Mission (Kentucky) - Striving to meet needs of chronic poverty, lack of jobs, and poor housing, through education, health and wellness, community outreach, economic opportunity, and community housing improvement.
Square Foot Ministry (Griffin) - Bringing together volunteers and donors to build and repair homes for low income families and those in need of handicap-access tools such as wheelchair ramps and bathroom rails and fixtures.
Trinity Community Ministries (Atlanta) - Helping homeless men reclaim their lives and return to their families and communities as mentors and leaders.
PRAY - This isn’t the easy way out. Passionate and committed prayer is incredibly important: it changes situations, and it changes hearts.
ENCOURAGE - Reach out regularly to our mission partners, reminding them that we love them and we are on their side.
VOLUNTEER - Give your time, talents, and energy to serve as you are able with a mission partner.
CHAMPION - Be our bridge to a mission partner, recruiting and coordinating volunteers; advocating for that partner at PTCUMC, and for PTCUMC with that partner.
GLOBAL OUTREACH TEAM - Review and evaluate mission partnerships; allocate financial resources; develop a long term mission strategy for PTCUMC.
GIVE - through Faith Promise.
How Do You Make a Faith Promise?
- Pray for what the Lord would have you give, and know that what he directs he also enables.
- Commit yourself to make a faith promise, realizing your faith will grow as you stay committed to that promise.
- Look for the different ways God will use you to supply your faith promise.
- Be faithful to give as God enables you.
Make a missions commitment online here.
For more information, contact
Rev. Sean Robinson
770-487-6499 x236