A few years ago during VBS, kids and leaders were challenged to look for “God Sightings” each day. A “God Sighting” is when you see or experience God. Listening to everyone share their “God Sightings” that week had such a positive impact on me that I continued looking for them long after VBS ended. One of my favorite places for “God Sightings” is at Fall Fest. Fall Fest is an event that gives our church the opportunity to show up and serve hundreds of people from our neighborhoods and community. Seeing our volunteers want to make this event welcoming and loving for so many people they’ve never met, creates some of the very best “God Sightings!”
My friend, Allan, loves God and loves Fall Fest. He is in the 4th Grade and is part of our Kids Ministry at PTCUMC. He and his parents attended their first Fall Fest in 2019, and as Allan shared with me…
“It all started on October 24th, 2019. I went to Fall Fest and it was a blast, so I told my parents [we need] to go every year after that.”
And they did! Only the next time they brought their Star Wars “Tie Fighter” golf cart (and yes, I had to look up what a “Tie Fighter” is). Allan and his parents not only kept attending Fall Fest, but they started serving as well. In 2022, they even created a special game to go along with their “Tie Fighter” trunk! Allan loves to talk about what they do at Fall Fest and why. I asked him to share a bit of what he calls his “Fall Fest/Star Wars Story” with you.
“We decorate our golf cart so everyone can take pictures and have fun with our game that we created. We do it because we want people to have a great time like with the other trunks at Fall Fest. We love participating to see smiles from the kids and adults. We want to provide a friendly atmosphere to all and something to remember and look forward to every year.” -Allan Cole

As Allan shared with me, his family attended their first Fall Fest in 2019. What I want to share with YOU is that shortly after, they started attending our church. Allan received his 3rd Grade Bible last September, was baptized a year ago last fall, and serves on our Praise & Dance Team at Jingle Jam. All because he had a “blast” at his first Fall Fest!
I like to think not only did Allan have a blast, but that he also felt loved by our church because we created some special “God Sightings” just for him. And because of that, he wants to help others feel loved, and to see and experience God.
Last year we challenged you to help us reach a goal of 100 volunteers for Fall Fest. And you met the challenge! This year, we are hoping to do the same – or better! There is much to do before, during, and after this event and we have a place for everyone. If you would like to join us this year, click below to find out more and let’s keep creating “God Sightings” together!
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou