God has an amazing story of love, forgiveness, faith, and resurrection.  His story has been told from the beginning of time and fills the pages from Genesis to Revelations.  But more than that HIs story has and continues to be told through people like you and me.  It is our hope that you will discover how God is trying to pull you into that story of love and redemption so that you can experience life the way it was meant to be lived.

Below are ways to just to take a small step into discovering that story, and how to make it your own.

But most of all, we hope you will begin to ask questions, and to remember we are here to help you discover the answer.  Peace to you!


PART 1:  Surrender is critical in your story.  Find out more below.  

PART 2:  The Lord's Prayer opens into a whole new meaning.

David's story

See how David Bodne made God's story his story.  It takes something pretty easy.  David's story is unique, but is not unlike all of our stories.  You will be blessed.


The Harrison's tell us how there journey in prayer changed their story.  Prayer is so critical.  Check it out. 


See how Allison made courage a part of her story, and watch where it took her!


Share the love

We handed out just under 1000 Starbucks gift cards to our church.  We asked them to give them out to the community.  So many are.  If you have we would love to hear from you.  Just post to Instagram, Facebook, or send in your experience to us via email.  Use #ptcumc and #godsstoryyourstory.  Let's create a movement of love and giving!


Have questions?

You might have questions about how to take the first step into God's story.  We would love to help you.  Fill out the form below and we will be in touch.  

If you do decide to take a deeper step, then you are about to discover the most incredible life!  Hope to hear from you soon.
