Our faith has deep roots in the image of people gathering together for a special meal. Whether we are talking about the Passover meal celebrated as a reminder of the Hebrew people’s deliverance by God from their bondage in Egypt or the Lord’s Eucharist – the GREAT THANKSGIVING – a representing of Christ’s Body and Blood in our shared celebration of His Last Supper, our faith has deep roots in sharing a special meal.
I pray you had the chance to share in a special meal this Thanksgiving Holiday. There is something good that happens when we come together to give thanks. I felt it in our shared Thanksgiving dinner in the church sanctuary. The room was filled with a sweet, sweet Spirit that just put a smile on my face and brought joy to my heart. The food was incredible but it was the fellowship that carried the night.
I grew up enjoying our Thanksgiving dinners at my Grandfather’s farmhouse out in the country. The memories cascade from the depths of my childhood each and every Thanksgiving. I see my brother and me wrestling with the turkey wishbone – it’s my wish – NO IT’S MY WISH! I see a house full of townspeople that I did not know. I see the frustration of those in the kitchen as unexpected guests kept bringing more food (for them to cook) – a duck one year, a goose another year, a pheasant another year! I see food spread out on every counter of the farmhouse and even into a few bedrooms!
I remember the joy of eating on the stairs or at the card tables hastily arranged for us kids because; because once again, many more adults showed up than were expected.
But my main memory is one of love. That is my prayer for you. Whether you shared a meal with others or just with God (because we Christians are never alone,) I pray you know the warm love of God, the enduring love of family and/or friends, and if you’re real lucky, the repeating love of Thanksgiving leftovers this week!!!
Hands off the drumstick brother – THAT’S MINE!

December 1: First Sunday of Advent – Beginning of “Conceiving the Inconceivable” Sermon Series (preparing for the inconceivable movement of God!) Hopefully, your Thanksgiving meal leftovers will still be around as Advent appears on Thanksgiving Weekend!
December 15: Christmas Music Sunday – we will have four worship services this day; two at 9:30 AM and two at 11:00 AM. We will offer a unique “Worship in Music” Praise service in the Contemporary Worship Center at both 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. We will also offer a unique Christmas Music program “A Celebration of Carols” in the Traditional Worship Center at both 9:30 AM and 11 AM.
Also please note our Tuesday evening, December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight services at 5:00 PM in TWC, 5:00 PM in the CWC, 7:00 PM in the TWC, 9:00 PM in the TWC.