Last week I had the pleasure of being on a video conference call with 17 other pastors from Peachtree City and several surrounding communities. We gathered together to encourage one another, share experiences, and talk about the decisions we all face as we consider timetables for re-opening various aspects of our churches. We represented many different denominations and many different theologies. One commonality was a genuine desire to protect our people in this pandemic. While we are all people of faith, none of us wish to put our congregations at undue risk by opening too soon. I was greatly encouraged by that shared conversation.
I was also touched by the genuine heartfelt struggle we all are encountering as we try to provide the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion in our respective settings in a way that honor our respective theologies.
I am excited that we will be able to offer a shared Holy Communion experience as part of our online worship service on Sunday, May 3rd. Once again, we ask that you have something that will represent the Body of Christ for you and something in a “set apart / special” cup that will represent the Blood of Christ for you.
To help you, we have a limited number of purchased Holy Communion packets. We will leave those in a bin outside the main entrance this week Tuesday through Thursday, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM. You are invited to drive through the pavilion and pick one up if that is helpful to you (or you can use what you have in your home.) We will be gathering online around the Lord’s Table from the Traditional Worship Center on May 3rd.
May the Holy Spirit move in mysterious and unprecedented ways through the gift of this Sacrament on May 3rd – sustaining you – sustaining us – as we connect spiritually together while being physically apart.
God’s Peace be with you!

P.S. We are planning a National Day of Prayer Event on Thursday, May 7th at 12:00 PM. Look for the details on how you can participate in next week’s newsletter.