PTCUMC Faith Family:
Thank you for doing all that you are doing to stay safe in this global pandemic. By now, I think all of us know someone who has had Covid 19. We are all learning how to live in our new routines of life but it takes constant awareness and effort. I have never washed my hands so much (even when Mom was watching!) We will get through this pandemic together. But until we get there, I encourage everyone to continue those repetitive efforts – wash your hands – stay 6 feet apart – wear a mask.
We have learned that Pastor Sean tested positive for COVID 19. Our prayers are with him and LaDonna. He is at home and he appears to be doing ok. Be diligent out there. We all need each other as we get through this pandemic together. I am grateful for everyone (like Pastor Sean) who puts so much of their energy and effort into helping people live faithful lives in the midst of a global pandemic.
Pastor Shannon and I spent roughly four hours (socially distanced with masks) with Pastor Sean in one of our smaller rooms this week. While technically there is no CDC requirement to do so, we feel neither Pastor Shannon or I should lead “in building” worship until we know for certain we are clear. Because our last long meeting in a small room was Wednesday morning, we would need to get tested 10 days after that with the rapid test to completely insure we are clear. Pastor Shannon and I both feel fine. Bottom line is “out of an abundance of caution”, we are cancelling “in Building” worship November 8th and November 15th. Online worship will continue at 10:15 am on both Sundays – come worship with us there.
Also, we are clearly in a very emotionally charged political process. Please join with me as we INTENTIONALLY pray for our entire nation. Again, we need each other. For our political process to work, we need each other. Remember we are all Americans in this process – one nation under God. Sometimes I think both political parties get caught up in their individual perspectives so intently, that we forget the other perspective is “us” not “them.” I do not know who will win the presidential election. But my hope is “we all” do even when we are so evenly divided in our votes. May our shared vision for our Democracy hold us together in all circumstances. As I wait for the final vote count, I am grateful for all the people who work diligently to insure the integrity of the process. They are the unsung heroes right now.
When you think about it, gratefulness guides us, tempers us, and directs us in the path forward “in all circumstances.”
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1st Thessalonians 5:16-18)
God’s Peace,