Leadership Board Member Changes for 2021

We have four members of our eighteen member Leadership Board completing their time of service at the end of this year. We will be celebrating their ministry through our worship services on January 10th. Rotating off will be Tom Snyder, Danny Welch, Scott Kavanaugh, and John Fields. If you see them, please thank them for a JOB WELL DONE!

Rotating onto the Leadership board at the beginning of 2021 will be Angie Faulise, Eric Cooley, Dan Colwell, and Scott Poole. We have been using many Leadership Board members in various facets of our online and “in-building” worship to help our congregation connect with them. We will continue to do that and offer introductory videos of the new board members.

Brian Rausch (who has been serving this last year on the Leadership Board Staff / Parish Relations Committee) will become our SPRC Chair for the final two years of his term on the Board. Angie Faulise will become our new Lay Leader and Chair of the Leadership Board for her 3 year term.

It is remarkable to find servant hearts willing to say “Here I am, send me” in the midst of a global pandemic. We will be providing more information about our Leadership Board in early 2021 along with tools that will help you keep all the Board in your prayers. Welcome them, pray for them, and be thankful for them.