Loving Leads to GivingThe most famous Bible verse in the world is the foundation of the Christmas story: “God so loved the world, that he gave his Son” (John 3:16). Loving always leads to giving. And where there is no giving, there is no love. The world that God loves is ours to love, too.
I’m thrilled to share with you that our Leadership Board has elected to devote our entire Christmas Eve offering to missions, meeting needs for food, clothing, education, medical care, and discipleship in our community and around the world. At PTCUMC, we want to be a part of what God is doing. We want to love the world that God’s loves. It is our Biblical mandate to meet human needs of many kinds, according to the gifts and resources that God has invested in us.
And so, the board has directed that 100% of the gifts received on December 24 will go to meeting these needs through our Faith Promise Fund and our work alongside our mission partners. Learn more by visiting our website at ptcumc.org/go, or by emailing me at sean.robinson@ptcumc.org. I’ll be happy to answer any questions and hear any ideas or concerns.
I can’t say it enough: THANK YOU for all the ways you generously share all that God has given to you with our church, our community, and our world. You make a difference as representatives of Christ, and it is my joy and privilege to serve with you.