
When I began pastoring in 1996, around 70% of the U.S. population were members of a local church. Today, that number has dropped to 48%. But hold on—this is not where I begin writing about the demise of the church or cast blame on people for not being involved. There are actually several understandable reasons for this shift.

One is that some churches no longer hold membership rolls. (There is some question around if people who attend these churches are part of the 48% or not, as they are in fact “active” in a local church.) There are also several theological and cultural issues that I’ll share about some other time. But one very practical reason is that people do not understand church membership.

To be honest, most churches don’t do a great job of talking about it. As a result, many people tend to think of church membership the same way they may understand a club membership—like a local golf club, Kiwanis, or even Costco. While they may know it’s not quite the same, they often struggle to fully describe or define what church membership really means. This has not only caused a lowering of people officially joining churches but further eroded a more robust and wholistic understanding of the Christian faith and how church is both the result and ongoing agent of Christ’s mission. Church really is “the plan.” There is no back up plan.

I’ve been involved in offering “Membership Classes” for the last 20 years. I’ve taught them in all kinds of formats, lengths, and settings. (Honestly, you should ask me about it— you’d be surprised at the variety!) Over the last six years, I’ve refined the material to focus on what I believe is the most important content and shaped it into a concise ninety-minute class. The vast majority of people who have attended are surprised by the experience in a positive way. You might say, it’s not your typical “church membership class.” It’s more like a workshop on active spirituality, something that is aimed at making a difference. All of this is then tied back to Scripture, helping to deepen our understanding of God’s intent for the church and how it fits hand-in-glove with our personal faith in Christ.

In the end, participants reflect on their own spiritual journey and explore how to move from seeing God as an “idea” they believe in, to experiencing Him as a “reality” they live out in practical ways. Furthermore, they explore how this practical faith is connected with others on the same journey, which is the essence of the church. This not only reflects the result of Christ’s work through the Spirit but, through the same Spirit, continues His work in and through us. Remember, no one can see your inward, personal commitment to Jesus—though that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. But you know what people can see? They can see the outward expression of that commitment through your active participation as a member of Jesus’ church.

I’m offering the Membership class this Sunday and the following Wednesday, with four additional sessions scheduled for the new year. Just to clarify, it’s a single 90-minute class, but I offer it on two different days each time to provide more options. Going forward, this will be the pathway to membership at PTCUMC (though taking the class doesn’t automatically make you a member), and it’s a fantastic spiritual boost for those who are already members. In the future, as more of our church family participates, this class will serve as a shared frame of reference for all of us.

Click the button below to register. The class is free, but I do need to know who plans to attend so I can make adequate preparations. For those who sign up, thank you for trusting me with 90 minutes of your time—I promise it will be worth it!