We’ve been laying many plans for gathered worship – both outside and inside the building!
You already know that (weather permitting) we will return to outdoor gathered worship on March 7th at 11AM. On March 7th the service will be contemporary and will alternate to traditional the next week. We will also offer KidsMin for all the outdoor services in March. If we get rained out any of those weekends, the produced online worship service at 10:15AM will always be an option for everyone. Be sure to sign up for “text in church” or check our web site for weather notifications. Text PTCUMC to 770-575-5586.
Here are the next plans we wish to tell you about so you can tell others:
Holy Week begins on March 28th with Palm Sunday. We will offer a special outdoor Holy Thursday Service on April 1st at 7 pm. That service will be our April, Holy Communion event.
We will also produce a very unique Good Friday “Tenebrae” service that we will share online only April 2nd at 7 pm.
We will offer 5 services on Easter Sunday, April 4th :
9:30 am Traditional Inside
9:30 am Contemporary Outside
10:15 am Online
11:00 am Traditional Inside
11:00 am Contemporary Outside
Seating is limited for the traditional services so please arrive early. Reservations are only required in the event of rain. Childcare will be provided at all services for babies through preschool aged children.
The two indoor services in the TWC will be traditional services (masks, no singing, no vocal choir, and social distancing.) The two outdoor services will both be contemporary services (masks, with singing, praise band, and social distancing.)
Should Easter Sunday get rained out, we will also move the two contemporary services indoors (at a much more limited capacity) into the contemporary worship space and we will implement a reservation system for all services. Join with us in our prayers for good weather!
Following Easter Sunday, we will maintain the configuration of three worship services each Sunday; specifically, an online service, a traditional service at 9:30am inside the traditional worship space, and a contemporary service outdoors at 11 am. Subsequent moves will be determined by covid levels in our county. There are a lot more details to come. But this is the good news we wanted to get to you now.
Do we hear a few Woo Hoos!?!?!?!?!