The very first week in January 2020, Pastor Mark’s article in this newsletter (Lord Give Me Patience and Give It To Me RIGHT NOW) was about how patience was under-appreciated and under-practiced. Considering that was 2020 BCE (Before COVID Era) his words sound prophetic. As we move into May 2020 CE (COVID Era) we will need to put on this blanket of patience for a while longer.
Your Leadership Board has been mastering the art of Zoom meetings every two weeks. Doing Pandemic Church is a first-time experience for all of us. We have stayed informed of the directions of public health, government, and church officials. It has been a lot like that 500-piece puzzle of the Notre Dame you are working on.
There has been much hard work done in this confusing and frustrating time. We as a board hear all the voices you are hearing. We are praying, asking questions, listening, praying, offering suggestions, and praying some more to see where the Holy Spirit leads us.
In our April 28th meeting we further refined our multi-layered plan that move us toward a reopening of our facilities. We were challenged to wrestle with the details, complexities, and liabilities presented. From the practical to the esoteric, from the possible to the problematic, we all realized that it will not be “normal” nor easy.
Please hear me when I say that our Church has continued to be in ministry throughout this time, and the building is not the Church. We do, however, desire to be back together to enjoy the energy and passion that being in close physical community brings.
For now, know that we are keeping everyone’s health and safety first in a layered approach to being back in our facilities. There are some projects of cleaning and access control that need to be completed initially. We are moving toward allowing up to 10 people, physically distanced, to perform those planning and ministry functions that are needed for ministry to our community. We are following the guidance of The North Georgia Conference in not having larger gatherings before June 22. This is to ensure that safety can be provided for all who would attend.
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, and patience. Colossians 3:12
Thank you for your faithfulness. Please include your Staff and Leadership Board in your prayers.
Tom Snyder
Lay Leader
Leadership Board Chair