Seasons come and seasons go. Winter ends. Spring begins. Lent will end. Easter will begin. As we turn the corner into Holy Week next week, we are approaching the Easter season. I am so ready for the Easter shout to become MY SHOUT! I have never yearned as much for gathered worship in all my life. Join with me in my prayers that the weather will be worthy of the day on Easter Sunday.
That is the day where light overcomes the darkness!
That is the day where the Tomb “gives back” renewed new life!
That is the day when the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ is eternally glorified!
That is the day when stifling unbelief is replaced by stone moving belief!
That is the day when everything we think we know turns upside down!
That is the day when a life giving shout (HE IS RISEN!) shatters silence forever!
All because that is the day when we celebrate the reality of a RISEN CHRIST.
I’m ready to shout! I’m ready for a new season of life! I’m ready to worship together! I’m ready! I’m ready! I’m ready! Are you?
To help you get ready, we have a very special encounter of Holy Week planned. First, Pastor Sean will lead us into Jerusalem following the crowd all around Jesus on Palm Sunday, March 28th. Come get caught up in the excitement. Then I will help us gather outdoors (weather permitting) at 7 pm on Holy Thursday, April 1st, as we join the other disciples gathered around HIM in the upper room for a very special meal and watch HIM go to the Garden to pray – ending HIS freedom and our captivity. Then at 7 pm on Good Friday, April 2nd, we are inviting you to join with us online for a very unique Tennebrae Service that allows us to creatively (and in a family friendly way) encounter the cross through the Gospel of John – and the wonders of technology.
Then rest. Sleep like you have never slept before. Sleep like you may never sleep again! And then rise with HIM on Easter Sunday, April 4th. We will celebrate the resurrection in the TWC at both 9:30 am and 11 am – and outdoors (where we have been recently worshipping) also at both 9:30 am and 11 am – and online at 10:15 am. We will be wearing masks and social distancing both indoors and outdoors. We will be singing at the outdoor services only. There are no reservations needed if the weather is projected to be good – overflow will be from indoors to outdoors at both 9:30 am and 11 am. On Monday, March 29th, we will begin taking reservations for all four “on campus” services “if” it appears that we will have to move the two outdoor services into the Contemporary Worship Center. Just pray for good weather so the plan stays simple.
Get ready to get ready – a new season of life is coming – and it is good!