Jesus repeatedly calls us to see and love our neighbors. While I personally believe those words were referring to a greater concept than just those who physically live next to us, one cannot argue that they do include those who literally reside right next door.

Very soon, PTCUMC will have many new neighbors right next door as the new Middle school being constructed behind our property comes to completion and the school begins to be a new place of educational excellence for the children of our community over the next year.

John Wesley understood education as one of the critical ways God makes the world a better place. We Methodists have Wesley’s DNA is us through our extra commitment to preschools (like our Weekday School), and the over 200 United Methodist affiliated Colleges and Universities across our nation.

For all these reasons and more, the Mission and Ministry sub-team of our Leadership Board has identified developing relationships with the new middle school behind us as a primary goal for the year to come. We invite all of you to help us build those relationships with administration, staff, and students of our new “right next door” neighbor.

On July 26th, we are providing a meeting place for the new Principal and her staff at our church. We know almost every teacher supplements the material needs of their own classes with their own resources. In that meeting, it is our desire to provide their teachers with gift cards as a way to welcome our new neighbors by relieving some of that burden. If you would like to be part of that act of neighborly love, visit ptcumc.org/give and click the For Our Neighbors | Donate Now button or click the Donate Now button located right below this article.

Help us love our newest “right next door” neighbor.

God’s Peace,