Have you ever had a teenager ask you a question that you didn’t know the answer to? Despite believing that “they know”, students are desperately searching for the answers they don’t have about the world around them and how to navigate it the way that God would want us to. And, as you well know, once you reach adulthood, the answers don’t just magically appear in your mind.
I have made it my life’s work to try to understand where students are coming from and answer questions they may have about life. I’ve spent years in college, studied the Bible, attended conferences and more. But it just gives me more certainty that I don’t have all of the answers either. So when a student or parent comes to me with a tough question, I’ve finally learned the best answer: “I don’t know, but let’s find out.“
Some of the deepest, and most meaningful faith conversations I’ve ever had, have come from that situation. Instead of just spouting off a response I think might help them, we would dive into the Bible together and see what Jesus said and how he lived. I’d encourage you to do the same. Even though the scripture hasn’t changed, our perspectives on life and lenses we see the Bible through are different.
That’s why, beginning this Sunday night January 26 @ 6pm, we kick off our student Bible study for 2025. We’ll dive into the lives of people who lived and walked with Jesus, and discover together, what living a life following Christ looks like today. So that we can move closer to answering the tough questions and find the encouragement to keep asking them.