Our Gospels record a story about the Disciples bickering among themselves over who would be on Jesus’ right and left in the KINGDOM. The story shows up in different settings depending on which Gospel you read.
In Luke’s Gospel, the argument comes at the worst possible time. In chapter 22, Jesus had just hosted His last supper with them. He had just lifted the cup up at the Table saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” He ended by saying that one of them at the Table would betray Him.
I find great dissonance in Luke’s way of telling the story. The disciples go from the ensuing conversation about which of them might be the betrayer directly into a conversation about who would be greatest in the KINGDOM! How ironic!
Jesus breaks up the squabble by saying that the leader among them must become the one who serves. Jesus made clear that He did not come to be served, but to serve. I am always honored to be in ministry with church leaders who understand their core ministry is to be in service to God and to be in service to the people of God in their role as “servant leader.”
We have been blessed with profound servant leaders in the life of our church! As the end of the calendar year approaches, we always anticipate the natural rotation of servant leaders. We will find more public ways to give thanks for those rotating off our Leadership board and Lay leadership team in the days ahead. But before I list the servant leaders stepping forward in the new year, I want to recognize the incredible service of those who will be leaving. As you see these people, please take time to say THANK YOU for a job well done!
Those leaving our 19 person Leadership Board:
Darren Heil, John Cerniglia, Michael Burnett (moved out of area), Scott Nye, Allen Barnhill (moved out of area), Tom Staigle, Pat Carman, Mike Holcomb.
Those leaving our 11 person Lay Leadership Committee:
Jill Fair, Jen Faulkner, Cynthia Crew, and Chris Clark
Per recent approval from our Leadership Board and Annual Charge Conference, we are welcoming many new names to our leadership teams.
Joining our Leadership Board January 1, 2020:
John Fields, Ashley Langham, David Bodne, Brenda Vogler, Brian Rausch, Allen Phinney, Christian Lauter, and Natasha Blum.
Also, Tom Snyder will serve out the final year of his three-year term on the Leadership Board in the role of Lay Leader in 2020. Danny Welch will serve out the final year of his three-year term on the Leadership Board in the role of SPRC Chair in 2020.
Joining our Lay Leadership Committee January 1, 2020:
Merikay Franklin, Darren Heil, Boone Smith, Joe Faulise, Kim Detwiler.
Lay Delegates to Annual Conference in 2020:
Sharon Henson, Jay Henson and Joel Norris will continue to serve as our Lay delegates to Annual Conference in 2020 as they did in 2019.
We will be placing updated pictures and short bios for all our Leadership Board on our web site as the year comes to a close. Give thanks for those who have served and add these who join on January 1, along with those already present, to your loving prayers. Please pray without ceasing for all your servant leaders.

December 1: First Sunday of Advent – Beginning of “Conceiving the Inconceivable” Sermon Series (preparing for the inconceivable movement of God!) Hopefully, your Thanksgiving meal leftovers will still be around as Advent appears on Thanksgiving Weekend!
December 15: Christmas Music Sunday – we will have four worship services this day; two at 9:30 AM and two at 11:00 AM. We will offer a unique “Worship in Music” Praise service in the Contemporary Worship Center at both 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM. We will also offer a unique Christmas Music program “A Celebration of Carols” in the Traditional Worship Center at both 9:30 AM and 11 AM.
Also please note our Tuesday evening, December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight services at 5:00 PM in TWC, 5:00 PM in the CWC, 7:00 PM in the TWC, 9:00 PM in the TWC.