One of my favorite movies is Forrest Gump. I love the historical imagery but I particularly like the tension between free will and predestination that is woven throughout the movie. At one point Lieutenant Dan askes Forrest, “Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?” His response, “I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.”
Sometimes we get comfortable in our faith. We celebrate Easter and move on, happy with the joy we have experienced and not quite ready to deal with the tension in our lives. But Easter isn’t about the lack of tension in our lives; it is about thriving in spite of it.
There are signs of resurrection all around us and it is found in our brokenness. The resurrection does not have meaning in spite of our wounds but because of our wounds. We are all broken. We have all been hurt, experienced grief, feel shame and fear yet in spite of it all, we still have hope.
We don’t look for Jesus once. We keep on the lookout because God knows our pain. God forgives our sin. God is always with us and is our source of profound healing.
Here is your challenge: look for an encounter with God this week that reminds you of the hope of resurrection, then share the story with us. Once you start looking, you never know what you’ll find.