Something You Can Do

I want to ask everyone who reads this to do something special. I am not asking for me or for this church. I am asking on behalf of Jesus. As Christians, we know Jesus died on the cross. As disciples of Christ, we know why He died on the cross. But we often fail to take the next step of sharing that answer with others.

I am going to ask you to think about how Jesus stepped outside His “comfort zone” to embrace the nails for us – SO THAT – you could step outside of your “comfort zone” and do something specifically for Jesus – something YOU CAN DO during the next few days.

We have a special worship service planned this Wednesday on Ash Wednesday, February 26, at 7:00 PM in the traditional worship center. What makes it special? This specific service is designed for someone who has never been to an Ash Wednesday service before – or perhaps not been to church in a long time – if ever. We will take the time to explain everything. And even those who have attended Ash Wednesday services before will encounter something different in this service.

This is a great service to bring another person to that is not of our church. This is an OUTREACH service for those not of this church and an INREACH service for those who are part of this church. So please find a friend(s) to physically bring to this service! I am giving this task to you as your personal mission. It has been my experience that God often stirs the spirit in this specific service. But you have to be present to be stirred! Intentionally reach out and bring someone. And before you say, “I’m not comfortable doing that” – let that “uncomfortable” image of Jesus on the cross sink into your soul. Most people come to a new church on the arm of a friend. I am asking you to use your arms. Jesus did.

Family, neighbors, friends, coworkers, adults, youth and children (nursery is provided in support of this service) are all invited to this service.

Please bring them all – I beg you.