Luke 1: 1-4 NRSV
1Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, 2just as they were handed on to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, 3I too decided, after investigating everything carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4so that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed.
For all the “most excellent friends of God,” December is our month to get excited! We began the first Sunday of Advent last Sunday with a shouting, silent voice. That’s odd, right? Zechariah had received good news but he couldn’t tell anyone. This is the beginning of Luke’s riveting, good news story of Jesus Christ. The ironic implication is that we who have voices are to tell EVERYONE!
We will follow Luke’s orderly account throughout our Advent Sermon series, “THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER – Then and Now.” Come discover Luke’s meticulous style of storytelling. COME BACK NOW if you could use some good news in your life (and bring some friends with you!)
Some of you participated in Pastor Shannon’s Advent Workshop Nov. 28th. If you are still “thirsty for more,” sign up online (or call Christine at the Church) for my Advent Bible Study called, “Light of the World.” We will be studying the birth narratives in Luke and Matthew together. We will meet at the church beginning this Thursday at 6:30 pm. When you register, you will be guided to the book details. This is a four week study targeting 45-60 minutes each session.
For families with preschoolers, Elementary School kids and preteen kids, come to our Jingle Jam Light event from 4-6 pm this Saturday. The joy will include family worship, a live nativity, inflatables, free snacks, games, and (of course) Santa! Please invite other families to attend with you! I hope to see you there!
Our Student Ministry is hosting our Christmas Night of Worship this Sunday, December 5th, from 6:08 pm until 7:30 pm. This is a very special worship service that’s designed and led by our Middle and High School Students and Student Ministry team. This worship experience is FOR EVERYONE. Please come support your student ministry with your presence regardless if you currently have students in the program or not. I hope to see you in the Contemporary Worship Center this coming Sunday night.
Also, join us on Sunday, December 19th, for enhanced worship experiences on campus at 9:30 am and 11:00 am and online at 10:15 as our music ministry teams share the joyful sounds they have prepared for us. We will also continue our sermon journey through Luke’s Christmas story on that day.
On Friday, December 24, you have five opportunities for worship:
- 5PM On-Campus Traditional
- 5PM On-Campus Contemporary
- 6:15 PM Online
- 7PM On-Campus Traditional
- 9PM On-Campus Traditional
Childcare is provided at 5 pm and 7 pm. Our offering that evening will 100% go toward the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) who is responding to the disaster in Kentucky and other affected areas. This will be our shared birthday gift to Jesus on that Holy Night.
On Sunday, December 26th, we will offer only two worship services (one in the building in the Traditional Worship Center and one Online.) Both services will be at 10:15 am.
As your Lead Pastor, I invite you to do two things. First, immerse yourself in celebrating the good news of Jesus Christ’s birth in as many ways as you can. Second, reach out to others – friends, coworkers, extended family, even the stranger God nudges you towards – and bring them with you as our faith community celebrates “THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!” Of course, I’m referring to the first Christmas that brought Jesus into our world in the flesh.
God’s Joy,