“Back to normal”. I don’t like that phrase for many reasons. The one obvious reason being that we are at the end of a pandemic that changed the way we do things, especially the way that we think about church. If you ask me, I don’t want to go back to normal. Jesus never called us to live a “normal” life. He called us to follow him and his life and teachings were anything but normal.
This weekend, the students of PTCUMC are heading up to Copperhill, TN for our annual Fall Retreat. The theme this year is The Comeback. We’ll be talking about how, no matter how far we feel we’ve gone from the life that Jesus calls us to, there’s a way to come back. This weekend will help encourage students to not just come back to their faith, but to look for ways that they can be the catalyst to make life much more than normal. When they make their Comeback, not only can they look for God to be present in the change that they’re making, but they can also expect Him to be doing more than they can ever imagine.
We’d love for you to join us in praying over our students this weekend! Here are the topics for each of our messages and ways that you can pray with us and for us.
- Expect God
- Pray that each student is able to sense God moving among us at the retreat and in our ordinary days.
- Recognize God
- Pray that each student is able to recognize God and discern his presence and leading.
- Trust God
- Pray that each student can trust God and not allow feelings of fear or uncertainty to keep them from being obedient to God’s call on their lives.
- Follow God
- Pray that each student has the courage to take their next step and know’s they are never too far to “come back.”
- Pray for the safety of our students and leaders.
- Pray for connections with each other.