On Monday, April 20, Governor Brian Kemp announced plans to begin reopening various parts of our state. His recommended approach strives to maintain continued social distancing best practices while reopening various aspects of our lives here in Georgia.
The Governor’s approach also allows churches to reevaluate how to operate in a responsible manner that continues to follow the safety guidelines that are still in place. In response, your Leadership Board will be reviewing recommendations from many sources as we develop our plans and our timetable to safely reopen the church campus (which will probably also happen in a staged manner across many weeks once it begins.)
We are not open yet! Our primary concern continues to be your safety. For now, keep doing what you are doing to keep yourselves safe. Continue to worship online with us. Worship is the heartbeat of the faith community. Continue to practice social distancing. Continue to care for each other and your neighbors. Continue to be the people of God who express the love of God and love of neighbor every day. Continue to pray without ceasing. We will provide regular updates through this newsletter.
God’s Patience,