I am grateful to God for a faith that invites me to ask that question as one of the guiding lights in my personal spiritual formation. We began a “generosity journey” this last Sunday themed around that very question. What’s a generosity journey? Glad you asked!
Through a four-week sermon series in the month of October, we will be drawn by God’s Word into a discerning conversation about our faith and our finances. My faith asks me, “what do I do with all that I am and all that I have once I say I believe?” From time to time, I like to pause in my life and answer that question.
If you missed this last Sunday, please participate in either the Traditional or Contemporary worship services online through our web site to jump into this October sermon series. On October 27, we will be inviting you to bring forward what we call an “Estimate of Giving” card for calendar year 2020. It’s not a pledge card. It’s something different. Come and see.
May we all grow in our faith as we look at our discipleship through the lens of our finances. What do you treasure most? Think about it…