Here we are well into January!
It seems the year took off in a hurry. Students and teachers are back into the rhythm of school. Holiday travels and visits already seem to be distant memories. The year of our Lord 2020 seems to be moving at full speed.
I took a few moments in the midst of the whirlwind of life around me to reflect on the year to come. Yes, there will be a UMC denominational General Conference in May. Yes, there will be a presidential and general election in November. Yes, there will be many blurry unknowns in a year ironically called “20/20.”
But there are several “knowns” to this year as well:
- We know God is.
- We know God is perfect love.
- We know we are imperfect people.
- We know this perfect God pursues relationship with us imperfect people.
- We know God sent Jesus to die on the cross to save the world.
- We know the power of the Holy Spirit is moving in the world this very day.
That means God is in charge – not us.
That means God’s forgiving love is real and life-giving.
That means God has a plan for all the world.
Wow! That’s a lot of very big stuff that we know for certain!
I guess it comes down to what each of us chooses to focus on as this year unfolds. Do we focus on what we know or what we don’t know? Honestly, I struggle here. I want to know everything too. The reality is there is so much that we don’t know in January of 2020. But I find great comfort in realizing that there is SOOOOOO MUCH that I do know.
That truth will help get me through this year.
I am choosing to stay focused on the God who has made God’s self “known.” That’s what I know to do because I have (literally) undying faith in God. It is the ultimate source of my joy. Join with me in this 2020 focus!