Women's Ministry @ PTCUMC
There are ministry opportunities for all women at PTCUMC, regardless of place and station in life: for prayer, for fellowship, for support, for study, and for service.
The Naomi-Ruth Circle will meet the first Monday of each month at 9:30 in Room 308, with the first meeting on September 9 (because of Labor Day). All are welcome! Contact Joyce Harman.
The Hope Circle meets on third Tuesdays, September through May, at 2:00 PM in member’s homes. Their theme is missions, and they select specific missions to help during the year. They will also have a Christmas luncheon and a May luncheon. Contact Beth Loftin.
PTCUMC Busy Moms’ Group is an opportunity for moms to come together for fellowship and to give back to the community. Busy Moms meets once a month during the school year. Because solo mommy time can be hard to get, they have fun and meaningful activities planned throughout the year. They are excited to see what God has in store!
The kickoff meeting for Busy Moms is August 28 at 9:15 AM at the church. Childcare is provided. Busy Moms will meet regularly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Contact Ali Naglee or Allison Kickham.