Music Sunday is one of my top three favorite happenings at Peachtree City UMC (the other two being Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday). Cory Hopkins, Mike Strain, and the talented musical teams they support have been diligently preparing rich Christmas worship experiences for our congregation and community. As much as I hope you prioritize worship every Sunday, I hope even more that this Sunday occupies a special place on your calendar. Come and enjoy the talents that God has invested in our congregation. It’s just the right spiritual lift at just the right time in a busy, busy season.
Here’s the plan: there will be contemporary, modern worship at 9:30 and 11:00 in the Contemporary Worship Center as well as traditional, classic worship at 9:30 and 11:00 in the Traditional Worship Center. Choir, orchestra, band, singers, and instrumentalists of all ages will be sharing their gifts. I promise that each worship service will offer a rich blessing for you.
If you will, please allow me to encourage you to dig a little deeper into finding the joy of this special day: bring someone with you. One may argue that we should invite friends and neighbors to worship every week, but this is an easy Sunday to make an invitation. We’ve gone the extra mile to make sure there is room for everyone!
If you want to dig deeper still, attend worship at a time different than you usually do. If you usually attend the 9:30 traditional, come to the 11:00 traditional service. If you usually attend the 11:00 contemporary service, come to the 9:30 contemporary service. Let’s make room for all the friends and neighbors we are inviting!
Finally, if you’d like to jump all in this Sunday, let me invite you to worship twice, in both the traditional and contemporary settings. I assure you that it will be worth your time, and you will have twice the richness of Music Sunday!
Let’s have FOUR packed worship services this Sunday as a testimony to how much we appreciate our music ministry, how much we love each other, and how much we want our community to know the love of Jesus.
Let’s raise the roof!