On Our Way

On Sept 20th, we completed our Moses sermon series. We ended at Chapter 14 where the Hebrew people passed through the water – water that a Wind from God parted allowing safe passage on dry ground. But those who know the story understand this is only chapter 14 of 40 in the book of Exodus (you just knew there would …

Worship Schedule Update

Thank you, PTCUMC family, for your flexibility and graciousness as we’ve had to adjust and adapt navigating this pandemic season! The 8:30 Outdoor Worship services have been new, exciting, and meaningful. Your response is deeply appreciated. The outdoor service was always planned as a step toward returning to worshiping inside. The Leadership Board has prayerfully considered our next steps as …

Contact tracing: where do your thoughts come from?

Our thoughts may be our own but that doesn’t mean they happen in a bubble. We are influenced by more than we know. With the 5,000 ads we see each day and with each person we connect with virtually and in person, we have a lot of images, ideas, and noise coming at us. We may not want all of …

Kiss the Water

I love it when Sacred and secular meet in a holy kiss. I intentionally anticipate those moments that just appear in the right way at the right time. It is as if God occasionally winks a knowing wink with the intention of saying, “you’re gonna be ok – I’ve got this.” We just have to LOOK for those moments. In …

“No One” Has Left the Building!

Many years ago, I got invited to a neighborhood party. We were relatively new to the neighborhood and it was a chance to just be with people who did not know me. Their garage was full of people playing pool around the pool table and their driveway and front yard were both filled with lawn chairs as people just enjoyed …

Good News Can Be Hard to Hear

Sometimes we turn Bible verses into bumper stickers. While I’d prefer to see Scripture on bumpers instead of some of the stickers I see, it’s really not a fair reading of a rich and complex story to lift single sentences out of their Biblical and historical context. To be fair, we all do it. I’ve done it, and I have …

Directions Are Easy

Directions are easy when your destination is fixed. You can choose the scenic route. The quickest route. The route that passes by a friend along the way.  There may be multiple ways to get there but your choices lie in the process and not the destination. There’s a saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get …

Blue, Purple, and Crimson

Moreover you shall make the tabernaclewith ten curtains of fine twisted linen,and blue, purple, and crimson yarns… Exodus 26:1 We “tabernacled” with God Sunday morning in comfortable t-shirts and shorts at the tent of meeting as we began our season of outdoor worship spread out around the tent on our church campus East parking lot. A total of 141 people …

The Gift of Faith

God did not give us a spirit of cowardice,but rather a spirit of powerand of love and of self-discipline. Guard the good treasureentrusted to you,with the help of the Holy Spiritliving in us. 2nd Timothy 1:7,14 Over the last several weeks, we’ve helped families celebrate the lives of three saints of our local church who now are part of the …

Anybody Out There Hungry?

for it is written,“You shall be holy, for I am holy” 1st Peter 1:16 I miss you. I miss every one of you. I spend a significant amount of time remembering your faces, your lives, your struggles, and your joys. I really do miss being with each of you. We are going to do “something different” this coming Sunday. August …