A Discerning Mind

At the beginning of 1st Kings, a great transition occurs. King David dies and his son Solomon becomes king. It was a trying time. There had been power struggles and family infighting for David’s throne towards the end of David’s life. Solomon’s transition to power was not simple. It was a very trying time for the young, inexperienced king. Who …

Faith and Fireworks

As a kid, I always looked forward to the Fourth of July. It meant fireworks, cookouts, and family gatherings. Seriously, what could be better than all those things rolled together into a party? Then came the day of my life when I learned why we celebrated this holiday. I learned that this country, which I so often take for granted, …

Why I Will Wear a Mask

If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each …

A Letter to George

In light of the continued events and unrest this last weekend (especially here in Atlanta), I felt the need to do something that one of my Seminary Professors taught me to do long ago. His name is Bishop Woody White. I am just one of thousands of people his life has impacted particularly in the conversation about racial justice. It …

What Are You Aiming For?

One of my favorite Christmas movies is Elf. The movie where Will Farrell thinks he’s an elf and has to find his dad and save Christmas. I love his reaction to seeing New York City for the first time. His sense of wonder is similar to the first time I saw the city as well. At one point he sees …

Reopening Plan – Video Transcript

Tom: Greetings Church from your Leadership Board! I am Tom Snyder. I serve as your Lay Leader and current chair of the Leadership Board. Pastor Mark and I are here to update you regarding the question on everyone’s mind, “when can we start using our church campus again?” We have a plan with two dates that we want to tell …

What Will it Take to Move Forward?

The unjust death of George Floyd (and many others) has captured the focus of the world. It should. We should be beyond such a tragedy from happening. We aren’t. What is a nation, a people, a person to do? For some, the answer is peaceful protests. Those are helpful and bring world attention to a problem that needs to be …

A Monumental Moment!

I personally want to speak to all our High School Graduates. We appropriately lifted you up as part of our worship celebration this last Sunday. I personally believe we can’t shout your accolades enough right now. You bring us joy. You have completed a significant milestone in your life and our ENTIRE FAITH COMMUNITY celebrates with you! You represent for …

Class of 2020

Hello, parents of high school seniors! We love you and want you to know that your families have been specifically in our thoughts and prayers. This season has not turned out the way any of us expected it to but we want to find creative ways to celebrate your High School Senior in spite of the current situation. We have …

Patience, NOW!

The very first week in January 2020, Pastor Mark’s article in this newsletter (Lord Give Me Patience and Give It To Me RIGHT NOW) was about how patience was under-appreciated and under-practiced. Considering that was 2020 BCE (Before COVID Era) his words sound prophetic. As we move into May 2020 CE (COVID Era) we will need to put on this …