What Do You Treasure Most? (Part 3)

It’s been said that our faith can be characterized as a battle of wills – our self-will versus God’s Will. Personally, I prefer growth language to battle language. My understanding of my faith is “growing in grace.” I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior but I know that I am not yet fully formed in the image of Christ as …

What Do You Treasure Most? (Part 2)

I am grateful to God for a faith that invites me to ask that question as one of the guiding lights in my personal spiritual formation. We began a “generosity journey” this last Sunday themed around that very question. What’s a generosity journey? Glad you asked! Through a four-week sermon series in the month of October, we will be drawn …

What Do You Treasure Most?

When my son was little, he and I would often wrestle together on the living room carpet. He can take me with ease these days, but when he was five years old, I had the clear upper hand. I would make a fun game out of it by pretending to get tired and worn down. He would get excited as …